Monday, September 16, 2024


September 2024 -- On the way home, I stopped in Kennebunkport. I wanted to see where the Bush family hung out.  I also ventured a little farther to Cape Porpoise because the internet said it was a quaint fishing village worth visiting. Kennebunkport is a coastal town in southern Maine. Both of the Bush presidents had a summer home there. Cape Porpoise is smaller. 

Walker's Point: Bush Estate

Scenery along the peninsula 

Kennebunkport was touristy. I would like to have spent more time there, but couldn't find parking (reoccuring problem). Plus, I needed to get back on the road. I had a long drive ahead of me. I hadn't realized that when I stopped to take pictures along the rocky shoreline that the Bush Estate was at the end of the peninsula (Walker's Point). 

Cape Porpoise pier

It didn't seem like there was much to see in Cape Porpoise. There wasn't much activity in the harbor. You couldn't see much of the Goat Island Lighthouse from the pier. You could take a boat out to see the lighthouse, but I didn't have time. I wonder if any goats lived on the island (or had). Why else call it goat island?

Cape Porpoise harbor

Goat Island Lighthouse
(too far away to get a good picture)

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