Saturday, August 10, 2024

Yorkshire Churches

England doesn't seem to be very religious to me. Albeit, there are grand churches (cathedrals), but not much seems to be going on in them. Mostly they seem to attract tourists. I could be wrong. The churches are as old and storied as the castles. When possible we'd go inside the churches. I like the stain glass windows. And, the ceilings, wow! Sometimes, there were interesting sculptures on the outsides of the buildings. Church doors are often grandiose. 

Ripon Cathedral is one of the grandest cathedrals in England. It is famous for its 7th century crypt. The church was founded as a monastery by monks of the Irish tradition in the 660's. The current church is the 4th to stand on the site and was built between the 13th and 16th centuries. The church is noted for its architecture. 

Ripon Cathedral

St. Mary's Church (in Thirsk) dates to the 15th century. It was restored and reopened in 1877. It is best known for being the church where James Herriot (Alfred Wight), of "All Creatures Great and Small" fame, married his wife Helen (in 1941).

St. Mary's Church in Thirsk

What sets St. Mary's Church in Kirkby Lonsdale apart is the scenic view that is nearby. You walk through the churchyard to get to the path to see Ruskin's View. Ruskin's View is considered one of the "loveliest" views in England. The path was closed when we visited, but we climbed over the gate. The view was not to be missed. The oldest parts of St. Mary's Church are Norman and were built in the 12th century. The church was restored in 1866 and is active.

St. Mary's Church in Kirkby Lonsdale

Ruskin's View

The Church of St. Andrews (in Dent) originated in the 12th century, was rebuilt in 1417, restored in 1590, and again in the 1780's. It's known for having a vampire buried in its graveyard.  George Hodgson (age 94) was buried in 1715 and is said to have become a vampire after his death. Rumors began to circulate that he was not resting peacefully. Instead he was drinking the blood of local sheep, a glass a day. To prevent his "wandering," the villagers exhumed his body, drove a brass stake through his heart, and reburied  him. The top of the stake can still be seen, piercing the stone. 

Church of St. Andrews 

The Vampire of Dent

St. Oswald Church, Bolton Castle dates to the 14th century. Some stones indicate potentially earlier construction. The church was restored in 1853. It stands adjacent to Bolton Castle and was built before the castle. This was one church we did not go in. Ditto, with the castle. We arrived after hours.

Oswald Church, Bolton Castle

The medieval old parish church (Falkirk Trinity Church) in Falkirk may have been founded as early as the 7th century, but was largely rebuilt in the 19th century. There are many notable tombs in the churchyard, including several Scottish knights who died at the Battle of Falkirk. There is a Celtic cross that honors the Men of Bute, who fought alongside Sir William Wallace. The Battle of Falkirk was one of the major battles of the First War for Scottish Independence.

Old Parish Church, Falkirk

St. Michael's Parish Church is adjacent to Linlithgow Palace. While its exact date of origin is unknown, it is considered to be older than the 12th century. It was a favored place of worship for Scottish Kings and Queens. Mary, Queen of Scots, was baptized there. However, by the 19th century, the church was in very poor physical condition. While repairs were made, many historical structures were destroyed. 

St. Michael's Parish Church

I visited Durham Cathedral in 2019. It is known for its Norman architecture The cathedral has been in continuous use since its original construction 900 years ago. On the outside of Durham Cathedral is a sculpted panel which depicts a cow, a milkmaid and a man in monk-like robes. This may seem like an odd sculpture to adorn the side of a cathedral, but it was inspired by the legend about the founding of the cathedral. Supposedly, it was a cow that led them to the location for the cathedral. We were on an animal photography tour, so it only made since that we visit a cathedral with a sculpture of a cow.

Durham Cathedral

I saw the York Minster in both 2019 and 2024. The York Minster is one of the world's most magnificent cathedrals. Since the 7th century, it has been at the center of Christianity in the North of England. The first record of a church on the site dates to 627. In 1984, it suffered a serious fire and underwent repairs and restorations. Other parts of the church have been restored, too. The church maintains most of its original stained glass. Several of us attended a short service in the church. No picture taking was allowed.

York Minster

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