Saturday, August 10, 2024


England and Scotland are definitely dog friendly. Dogs can be seen everywhere, at least in the small towns and villages. If you're afraid of dogs and don't like them (who doesn't like dogs?), you're in trouble.

Out for a walk

Pub dog

They can even drive.

There are bowls of water outside of shops and signs than say "dogs welcome. "Dogs are welcome in pubs. Some pubs have their own dogs.  The only place dogs didn't seem to be welcome was the Great Yorkshire Show.

I like statues. There are five dog statues in Edinburgh. In the 1970's when Edinburgh and San Diego were twinned, they shared dog statues. Bum was a stray who survived on the streets in the 1880's. He lost part of his foreleg in a railroad accident.


Of course, there are lots of working dogs in England and Scotland, too. The Border Collie is a British breed of herding dog. It originated near the border between England and Scotland. No sheep farm is complete with out  one (or two). They are amazing.

The Border Collie

What about cats?  Don't the Brits like cats? Of course, they do. You'll see a few cats, but mostly they are inside (I presume). I saw this orange tabby outside my room in Reeth. Kiplin Hall had its own resident cat, another orange tabby.

This orange tabby is from Kiplin Hall.

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