Monday, September 16, 2024

Sand Beach

September 2024 -- Sand Beach is the largest sandy beach in Acadia National Park. It is surrounded by cliffs. It wasn't too crowded in mid-September, especially when we returned later in the day. It was considered "off-season," so I was able to take Ty onto the beach. Sand Beach is where the Ocean Path began, the 4.5 mile up and back hike to Otter Point, with Thunder Hole on the way.

Not too crowded in mid-September

At first, Ty was afraid of the rushing water, then he started to play in the surf. The tide was out. When we returned in a few hours and the tide was in, the waves got scary to him again. No playing in the water the second time. Either that or he was worn out from the hiking.

Ty at the beach

Other side of the beach
Interesting rock

Near the beach

Can still see beach

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