Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Locked up in Montana

July 1997 -- Not sure why we went to prison, but we did. Montana Territorial Prison in Deer Lodge was built by convict labor in the late 1880's. It was the first territorial prison in the western US and Montana's main prison until 1979 when the last prisoners left. A new prison has been built nearby.

Let me out!

Montana Territorial Prison, c. 1871

Cell blocks

The old prison housed the worst offenders for over 100 years and was known for overcrowding and mismanagement (like a lot of old prisons). It had two major riots. Probably not when I visited, but today the old prison houses five museums. 

Shower schedule:  only 2 per week

Hangings took place inside the prison, within sight of some of the cells. The gallows used were portable and used throughout the state. They were called the "galloping gallows" because of their mobility. The last man was hanged in Montana in 1943.

"Galloping gallows"

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