Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Callendar House

July 15, 2024 -- Callendar House is one of the places I visited instead of the Highlands, due to Covid. It was 1.5 miles from my hotel.  I walked there (and back). 

Callender house is a large, ornate mansion. It is three stories tall, complete with towers and turrets and a 15th century castle. It hosted many historical figures including  Mary, Queen of Scots, Oliver Cromwell, and Bonnie Prince Charles. It houses a public museum that tells of Falkirk's industrial and Roman past.  

Callender House

Callendar House also served as a filming location for Outlander. The kitchen was used as the kitchen of Bellhurst Manor, the Duke of Sandringham's Estate. 

The Antonine Wall was the last linear frontier built by the Romans. It was built in the 2nd century. It was too expensive to defend so it was abandoned about 20 years after it was completed. There are ruins of the Antonine Wall in Callendar Park. I didn't see.

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