Saturday, December 22, 2018

Valley of Fire

Valley of Fire State Park is Nevada's oldest state park, c. 1935. It is located in the Mojave Desert 50 miles northeast of Las Vegas. It gets its name from red sandstone formations which formed from shifting sand dunes 150 million years ago.  The park encompasses almost 46,000 acres and ranges in elevation from 1,310 to 3,909 feet. Bighorn sheep can be found throughout the park, and I was lucky to see some. 

I got to the park at the end of the day. My visit was cut short by the declining daylight. I would have liked more time to explore this park and its hiking trails. I experienced a little trepidation when I left the park and my GPS wouldn't work. I didn't have a map either. I got turned around for a bit before I figured out how to get back to Las Vegas (to catch the red eye).

White domes
Desert Bighorn Sheep (a ewe)

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