Saturday, December 01, 2018

Two visits to China

I have visited China twice, first in 2008 on behalf of the University of Maryland, then in 2018 as an invited speaker. In 2008, I was hosted by wonderful graduate students from Northwest Agricultural & Forestry University in Shaanxi in the Yangling province. My travel companion (for part of the time) was my extension colleague Dave M. Shortly after our arrival, we went our separate ways, but we were reunited for the final weekend in Beijing. 

In 2018, I was asked to speak at a Symposium on Sheep Development. My topic was nutrition. I had been invited by a Chinese man who had been living in the US for many years. He had returned to China to manage a large sheep farm. I didn't know anyone on this trip, but I met (and traveled with) other English-speaking guests, from England, South Africa, and Australia. I have stayed on contact with the South Africans. We spoke at each others webinars.

I enjoyed both visits very much. The work was satisfying. The hospitality outstanding. The only negative was the food. I don't like (real) Chinese food much. Even American Chinese food isn't my favorite. The first trip was longer and we went more places. The second trip was shorter and we spent most of the time visiting sheep farms.

Founder of China: Mao Zedong

Chinese currency is a Yuan.

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