Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Forbidden City

The Mausoleum of Mao Zedong is at one end of Tiananmen Square. The Forbidden City is at the other end. We walked around Tiananmen Square. It brought back memories of the 1989 protests and massacre in which the Communist government arrested, killed, and executed many of the student protesters, who were only demonstrating for the freedoms that we Americans take for granted.

We visited the Forbidden City, the imperial palace complex. The Forbidden City was the residence of 24 Ming and Qing dynasty Emperors, and the center of political power in China for over 500 years (from 1420 to 1924). It is now a museum. It was a neat place to visit, but mostly I remember how much my feet hurt. I eventually learned that I had Morton's neuroma in one of my feet, along with Plantar fasciitis. Both are under control now.

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