Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Sheep and Goats in Kazakhstan

My first trip to Kazakhstan was all about sheep. It was sponsored by Winrock International. Our charge was to work with sheep farmers in South Kazakhstan. The trips in 2003 and 2004 were part of a University of Maryland project to help develop extension in Kazakhstan. During these trips, we visited sheep and goat farms and research institutions.

At a goat farm

White goats

The Sheep Breeding Institute in Kazakhstan introduced the Awassi breed to cross onto native fat-tailed sheep. The breed is known for its high milk production.

Awassi ram

Taking pictures with Awassi sheep

Feeding time

Pen of sheep and goats

Watering hole

Posing with a goat

Burry sheep

Shearing time

A lot of goats

The Kazakhs had just started breeding Cashmere goats. They had imported semen from Scotland.

Posing with a Cashmere kid

Awassi ewe chewing her cud

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