Monday, August 26, 2024

Childless cat lady

A few years ago, JD Vance, Trump's running mate, called leading Democrats a "bunch of childless cat ladies."  He went on to say that they were miserable with their life choices. He claims it was a sarcastic remark, but if you dig deeper, you can find out what he thinks about women, especially women who haven't birthed children. His remarks were (are) even disparaging to step Moms and women who have difficulty having babies. Menopausal women, too.

Vance once proposed that people with children get more voting power. He thinks we should pay people to have children, more children. He wants to throw all sorts of money at people who have children. He wants to penalize the rest of us. He's concerned about falling birth rates. Yet he's against immigration. Sound racist and xenophobic to you?

I am a childless cat lady and just fine with my life choices. I taught and mentored children my entire career (life). I am deeply offended by Vance's remarks. I detest his ideas. So do my cats. I am definitely voting against Trump/Vance. They are anything but pro-family or pro-child, and they are definitely anti-women -- and anti-cats!!!!
Taylor Swift is the most famous childless cat lady. Not to mention filthy rich. While I don't usually care what celebrities think and who they support in an election, her endorsement could sway the vote and would be welcomed by this childless cat lady. Meow.

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