Saturday, October 21, 2023

Older than Stonehenge

I had never heard of Knowth and Newgrange, but I'm so glad Lara included them on our itinerary. They are passage tombs or burial chambers covered in earth or stone and having narrow access. The "kerb" stones surrounding them are decorated with Neolithic art. While archeologists classify them as passage tombs, they think they may have had other uses, such as worship. The Knowth site consists of a large mound and 17 smaller "satellite" mounds,  whereas Newgrange is a one acre mound. We were able to go into Newgrange. Both sites are believed to have been built around 3200 BC, making them older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids. Wow!

Prehistoric (Neolithic) art

A marker stone

On top of the big mound at Knowth

Sheep grazing nearby


A recreated woodhendge

Yep, sheep everywhere!

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