Friday, June 20, 2008

Hungary: one of my favorite trips

Hungary was one of my favorite trips. I went in 1990, not long after visiting the Soviet Union. I got to go because I had a passport. It was early in my career. I was part of a three person University of Maryland team tasked with evaluating a $20 million agricultural investment, which included dairy sheep. My other team members were Jim and Chuck. Jim was an agricultural economist. He eventually became the Ag Program leader and Associate Dean for Extension (my boss). Chuck was a horticulture specialist. Our trip was sponsored by a Hungarian-born American businessman. It was the first (and only) time I sat in the front of the plane.

Hungary is a landlocked country in central (Eastern) Europe. The Soviets gained control after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Communist rule came to an end in 1989 after a peaceful transition to democracy. Our trip wasn't long after Hungary emerged from behind the Iron Curtain. There were remnants of communism everywhere. 

Our primary destination was Gálosfa, a small village in Southwest Hungary, not far from the Yugoslavian border. Our accommodations were pretty fancy. We stayed in a manor house. Some called it a castle. The food was really good. probably as good as any place I've ever been. I ate real Hungarian goulash (in another castle). There was plenty of drink. Our Hungarian hosts liked to start the day with a drink of Palinka, a traditional fruit brandy. I got the nickname "little bit." Wine was popular, as we were surrounded by vineyards. One morning, we went horseback riding through the vineyards. It was one of those "pinch me" moments.


Chess anyone?

Who could forget the ping pong tournament?

Our translator (L). Her father is on the right.

Religious building in Pécs

Castle near Pécs

The capitol of Hungary is Budapest. It quickly became one of my favorite cities. It is separated into two parts by the Danube River:  Buda and Pest. We walked around the city. We visited Hero's Square, a monument that pays tribute to the seven tribes that founded Hungary. We visited Buda Castle and Fishermen's Bastion. We saw beautiful views of the Danube River. 

Bridge over the Danube

Hero's Square

Fishermen's Bastion

I began to develop a fascination with East European (Soviet-era) cars. The East German Trabant was one of the worst cars ever made. I rode in one a few times. The car had to be made of cheap materials, so it reflects this. It was a symbol of the past under Soviet rule. It now has a bit of a cult following. Apparently there's a Trabant museum near the old Checkpoint Charlie.  Bucket list!

I was disappointed when Covid prevented me from returning to Hungary for the International Goat Conference (in 2020). Hopefully, one day I will get to return to this wonderful country.

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