Thursday, October 05, 2023

Blarney Castle and Gardens

The forecast was for all-rain, so we had to change plans. Instead of more scenic driving, we went to Blarney Castle. Not a bad substitution. Blarney Castle is a medieval stronghold in Blarney, near Cork. It is the type of castle or fortification called a tower house. The castle dates from the 10th century when it was just a wooden structure. In 1210, it was replaced by a stone structure. The castle is now a partial ruin. 

At the top of the castle lies the Stone of Eloquence, better known as the Blarney Stone. It was set into the castle wall in 1446. Many legends surround the stone. Kissing it is supposed to give you the gift of eloquence.  We stood in line (in the rain) to kiss the stone. I kissed it. Lara couldn't. You have to lean backwards (pretty far) to kiss it. While someone helps you and there are guard rails for your protection., it still a bit of a scary experience.  Before the safeguards were put into place, supposedly people were held by their ankles and dangled over the side. It was a unique experience. I'm glad I did it. It's something I'll always remember -- with a smile.

Another view:  through a peep hole (Lara's picture)

Waiting in line to kiss the stone.

The murder hole. Most castles have one. 

Surrounding the castle are magnificent gardens. Sixty acres you can explore. Besides beautiful and rare flowers and trees, there are some unique things to see, including waterfalls, a stone circle, druid cave, and a portal tomb. Lara and I touched the stones, but didn't get transported back to the 18th century (like Claire from Outlander). The castle also have some unique features, including a cave.

Near the castle is the Blarney house, a Scottish Baronial Mansion. It was built in 1874 and has been restored to its former glory. It is inhabited by Sir Charles St John Colthurst and his family. It is open for tours, but we just viewed it from the outside. I concluded it would be a nice place to live.

Blarney House

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