Thursday, May 28, 2020

Welcome, Maggie

Boone died suddenly on March 4, 2020.  I found him dead in the field. I don't know what happened to him. I decided to get another livestock guardian dog.

Maggie is another Great Pyrenees. She is an un-spayed female. She is about 7 years old. I got her from a sheep farmer friend of mine, who was left with her when her veterinarian friend moved out of state. We had talked about me getting Maggie before, but I decided to wait until after Boone was gone. In his latter years, Boone had become very submissive. I didn't want another dog trying to dominate him. Two already had. I let Boone live out his life peacefully.

So far, Maggie is working out well, though one time she got out of the fencing. I don't know how. She was gone for several hours. I found her in the trees behind the big field. She was laying under a  tree without a care in the world. She hasn't gotten out since. I guess she got it out of her system. I certainly hope so.

I couldn't get her to eat much of the food I fed to McComb and Boone (Pedigree Big Dog). She prefers a cheaper dog food I get from Tractor Supply. Like Boone, she likes cheese slices. For the first several weeks, I kept her in the back bay of the garage. I didn't want to introduce a new dog to the ewes, as they had just started lambing. Gradually, I released her. She immediately accepted her new charges.

More than a month ago, she encountered a skunk. The stink is gradually subsiding. She still shares a corner of the garage bay with the bum lambs. I keep her food and water there and she can sleep there if it is raining. She doesn't eat right away like Boone and McComb did, so I need a place to feed her. She goes back and forth between pastures. She seems to be looking for prey. One day, I found her with a rabbit. It always amazes me that these livestock guardian dogs will kill other animals, but not harm their charges. Amazing dogs.

Maggie is a very pretty dog. She looks like Boone in the face. I have accidentally called her Boone a few times.  She's good with the lambs. She's a great addition to the Baalands.

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