Monday, August 15, 2011

Wool processing in PEI

August 2011 -- I've been to Prince Edward Island twice (in 2010 and 2011). Both times I went to MacAusland's Woolen Mill. In 2010, I also visited the mini mills in Belfast. Who would have guessed that there'd be wool processing on such as small island.

MacAusland's is a family owned business that started as a sawmill in 1870. In 1902 they began producing woolen yarn. In 1932, they made their first blankets. Woolen blankets is what they are known for. I have several of their blankets and throws in my house.

The mill still uses old fashioned machinery. They allow you to walk through the mill to see how the wool is processed and made into blankets. At least they did when I visited more than a decade ago.

MacAuslands Woolen Mill
It starts with raw wool.
Scoured wool

Carding the wool
Making yarn

Blanket making

Final touches

Belfast Mini Mills in Eastern PEI uses compact equipment to process smaller quantities of fiber. We had a similar mill in Maryland (Mill at Meadowlands), but it closed down. This one apparently has a large demand.

Drying the wool

Wool picking

The final product

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