Sunday, May 20, 2007

Spring is for picture-taking

One of my favorite pastimes is taking pictures of the lambs, dogs, and cat during the spring. Here are a few recent pictures.

Ears is turning out to be the most photogenic lamb of 2007. He seems to crave the limelight. He's a handsome boy, with a devilish personality.

Here's Ears again, this time with McComb. In this picture, Ears seems to be receiving lessons from McComb on how to be a livestock guardian.

Max has always been photogenic. I love this recent picture of him. His eyes match the color of the grass. I don't know what he was looking at. Maybe, he didn't think I could seem him.

To date, this is the most popular picture I've put on Flickr. People love Max's pose. I called the picture Pounce. I'm not sure if he pounced on anything, but it looks like he did. He looks so content in this position.

Another lamb that likes attention is Hondo, a triplet that I supplemented with a bottle. He's been weaned from the bottle for several weeks, but remains very friendly and curious.

This picture was taken more than a month ago, but it never made it to the blog. This is the ewe I call Pretty (#461), snoozing with one of her lambs.

Pretty and her lamb are so pretty that they warrant another picture. Here, they're still dosing on the same beautiful spring day in March.

Sticking with the snoozing them, here's a picture of Darby (#309) using one of her lambs as a pillow. The lamb is the twin sister to Ears. This picture was also taken several weeks ago.

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