Three sets of twin lambs were born today, two split sets and a pair of ram lambs. The dams are all old, standby ewes: #'s 01, 92, and 90. #92 is my flock builder. I will probably keep her ewe lamb. #01 has also been a really good producer. She raised triplet lambs the previous two years. I guess she deserves a break this year.
Over the weekend, three sets of triplets came into the world, along with a set of twins. The first set of triplets were waiting for me when I got home from the hay auction (without any hay). It was #10's third set of triplets in as many years. I guess I should keep one of her ewe lambs.
The second two sets required assistance. Freckles (#49) had acted goofy the whole day, then labored for a few hours in the evening without any progress. When I investigated, I discovered the problem: a breech baby was blocking the way. I ended up losing the breech baby. He was delivered alive, but must have been deprived of oxygen, because he died shortly after birth. The other two lambs -- a ewe and ram -- are doing fine. It will be the first time in long while that Freckles is not raising triplets. I'll still give her special atttention.

One of my black ewes (#454) delivered a colorful, mixed set of twins. The male is red, while the female is spotted, as shown.
The March wind roars
Like a lion in the sky,
And makes us shiver
As he passes by.
When winds are soft,
And the days are warm and clear,
Just like a gentle lamb,
Then spring is here.
Author Unknown
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