Monday, May 28, 2018

2018 lambing

2018 was an interesting year for lambing. It started with 35 ewes. Two ewes, including one yearling, aborted; first time that has ever happened. One ewe died before lambing; first time that has ever happened. It was a tragic loss, as the ewe push her intestines through her vagina. One of the yearlings didn't lamb. That has only happened one other time. Only one of the five yearlings is raising twin lambs. In the past several years, almost all the yearlings have raised twins

There are sixty-seven lambs, a few more males than females. About half the mature ewes gave birth to triplets. One ewe raised quads. Several ewes had milk problems, resulting in eight orphans. The orphans have been weaned and are doing fine. The rest of the lambs are ready for weaning. The first CDT injections have been given. The orphans just received their third vaccination.

Spring was very slow coming. There were snow storms in March. It has been very, very wet. First there was no grass. Now there is an over-abundance of grass. The main group of lambs has been treated twice for coccidiosis, due to the wet conditions. The new ram pen is very muddy. It's not going to work.

501 continues to be a top producer.
Ms. Piggy and her daughter both raised triplets.
Spring was slow to come; now there's tons of grass!
The blind ewe is raising another set of triplets.
The orphan lambs (n=8) are doing well.

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